1 curious boy and a mom seek answers

Archive for the ‘Heroes’ Category

Honest Abe

Honest AbeThe simple answer is that he was honest and people called him Abe.

There is a rich history of President Lincoln being honest in his personal and professional life.  He would return customers money with great effort if a mistake was made at the till. He believed that it was important to act with integrity in his law career and his actions made him a sought after arbiter and judge.  One thing we found interesting was that if he did not believe something was right – he did not have a gameface and coud not argue for those things he believed were wrong.  His enemies were even found to proclaim his honesty.

We are learning new words in our research and two good ones tonight were integrity and legislature.

We also had some discussion about President Lincoln and the civil war which was a topic in school this year.  The main thing J remembered was that the war was the bloodiest in our history, the north and south fought and that President Lincoln freed the slaves (with the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1,1863).  Answers certainly stimulate more questions.  We could spend a great deal of time on Lincoln and the civil war. Maybe we will return to this topic.

The most helpful post was http://www.greatamericanhistory.net/honesty.htm